Halloween Fun

Date: Oct 22-28
Good day Folks,
As my daughter says: Halloween is the best "holiday" of the year. Our first Halloween occasion in three years was a hit! Families from the community enjoyed games, dancing, and cake walks, and, of course, the fireworks finale was amazing. Thank you to all the families and businesses who donated to the occasion, and thank you to the volunteers, fire department, PAC, and students who helped make it a night for kids to remember.
Don’t forget about the Halloween haunted house and dance party at the NDYC next weekend (Saturday, Oct 28th). All proceeds from that event go to our Blewett PAC. Thank you to the NDYC for supporting our school kids
The Week at a Glance
This Tuesday all classes get participate in the Glow Germs activity. Using black lights students will get a good glimpse of how well proper washing can clean germs from our hands each day. This is a fun activity to ask your kids about when they get home.
Wednesday: Beading workshop for kids (long recess) – This activity is put on by our Aboriginal Academic Success Worker, Liv Hilde.
Next Week
Saturday, Oct 28th : Halloween Haunted House and Dance Party – 6:00pm at the NDYC. All donations will go to the Blewett Elem PAC.
Monday, Oct 31st : Outdoor Activities in the Morning: Every other Monday for about 45 minutes, students will begin the day outside in various stations. This is a great way for kids to connect with nature and find new interests as we provide a variety of activities for them to engage in. Please remind your child to dress for the weather.
- Halloween Festivities: Bring your pumpkins and wear your costumes! Students can bring their carved pumpkins to school to be judged for the pumpkin carving contest and be prepared for a haumted halloween costume parade. Parents need to pick up their pumpkins by the end of the day.
District and Community Events and Announcements:
SD#8 Parent Engagement Session - Student Safety - October 27, 6:00
Wednesdays is Strong Start: We are happy to have the Strong Start program here at BES on Wednesdays. More information here:
Have a great Week,
Jordon Konken -Principal, Blewett Elementary School