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Happy October!


BLOG - Oct 13, 2023

Good Day Folks,

We had a busy couple of weeks with lots of fun learning opportunities for the kids. It was great to see so many students take seriously the topic of Truth and Reconciliation. The week of learning culminated into a parade of orange shirts marching to our outdoor assembly sight for a wonderful picture. 

I’d like to thank our Parents Action Committee members who have been such a great support for our school. Because of their hard work, we are able to provide opportunities for kids to make their learning experience more rich and meaningful. Thank you BPAC! If you are interested in joining the committee for our monthly meetings, please pop by the school library on the first Tuesday of each month at 5:45 pm.  

Circle of Courage theme:  Belonging

We continue to focus on fostering a sense of belonging for every student at Blewett Elementary. Our school clubs have been slowly starting up to provide something for everyone. A schedule of clubs will go out shortly.


Way to go BES cross country runners! It was great to see all those excited kids get on the bus for the district meet down at Lakeside Park. Thank you Sarah Nelson and Leanne Kalabis for organizing. The kids said they had a blast!

This Week:


  • FSAs : We will continue with FSAs this week as the window for completion closes early November.


  • School Wide Assembly (Theme – “Friendship”) @ 9:30am
    • Student Counsel Meeting (grade 6s) – Jordon will brainstorm leadership opportunities for these little go getters!


  • School Based Team meeting to discuss the needs of our students


  • Shake Out Earthquake drill – 10:40am (Jordon to come around and speak to classes prior to the drill)


  • District Pro-D day – No school for the students

Saturday Oct 21st:

Next weekend is Blewett Elementary’s  Spooky Fall Festivities. There will be lots of games, costumes, and dancing. The evening will finish with a great show of fireworks. Bring the family and friends for some spooky fun! Specific information about start times will come your way shortly

If you plan on volunteering for the party on October 21st, please make sure to return your form that was sent home by Monday, October 16th.

Halloween Costumes:

Halloween is coming and we know that many students will arrive at school in wild, imaginative, and creative costumes! This marks an important time to re-visit our expectations regarding what kind of costumes may be worn at school. All costumes must:

  • Be respectful of race, colour, ancestry, place of origin, religion, physical or mental ability, sex, sexual orientation, or gender identity or expression 
  • Cover the body appropriately
  • Not include guns, knives, or other weapons (including play weapons)
  • Not include blood and gore

In addition, all behavior while in costume must be aligned with our school’s Code of Conduct. If you are not sure your costume meets the above criteria, please speak with your classroom teacher or myself ahead of time.

Let’s have a fun and safe Halloween!

Other important Dates:

Safety Drill - Shakeout Drill  (10:30 am)                                                               Oct. 19                Thurs

Non-Instructional Day (Provincial Specialist Assoc.)                                          Oct. 20                Fri

Spooky Fall Festivities                                                                                    Oct  21                Sat              

Fire Drill #2  (1:15 pm)                                                                                    Nov. 3              Fri

Safety Drill - Hold and Secure  (10:30 am)                                                     Nov. 9              Thurs

Remembrance Day Assembly  (11:00 am)                                                     Nov. 10                        Fri

Remembrance Day Statutory Holiday                                                              Nov. 13               Mon
Early Dismissal Days (2)  (Parent/Teacher Interviews)                      Nov. 15/16              Wed/Thurs
Point of Progress #2 (Written Report)                                                            Nov 27             Mon

Take care,
