Meet our Student Leadership Team
We are proud to introduce our student leaders from Ms. Nelson's grade six group (see below for more pics). These talented students will be a part of developing ideas for fun activities that fall in line with our school motto of, "A place for everyone". These leaders will also provide the student body with a voice to help us make decisions toward an inclusive environment that meets the needs of all students. Way to go Team!
A few reminders for parents:
I've started puting out cones near the parking lot to show where students can walk when entering the school grounds from the uphill parking side. This area is a tight squeeze as busses enter, so please be mindful when walking through this zone (stay between the cones and the fence.
Shayna Jones, dancer / story teller, will be performing at our school on Tuesday of next week. We are excited to have Ms. Jones join us for this multicultural event. For more information on who she is and her performances check out this link:
Progress reports will be coming out next week. Students will take home on Tuesday.
A reminder that there will be a parent information session on digital media for parents of kids who are entering the digital world of cell phones and video games next week at Rosemont Elementary school gym, on Thursday night, at 6:00. Scott Rothermel, our Safe Schools coordinator will be presenting and taking questions.
Local Author visit, Ginia Jmief, visited each classroom at our school to do a private reading of her and her husband's (Lucas) new book, Follow me to the Golden Tree". The students loved this book. This would make for a great Christmas present. For more information on how to order the book, go to: . I believe there is even a list of retailers to buy from as well.
Let's keep taking care of each other,
Important dates:
Point of Progress #2 (Written Report) Nov 27 Mon
Shayna Jones performance Nov 28th
Digital Media Parent Workshop Nov 30 Thurs at Rosemont Elem Gym
Fire Drill #3 (9:30 am) Dec. 7 Thurs
Winter Concert Dec 14 (6:00pm) Thurs
Last day of school Dec. 15 Fri
Winter Vacation Dec 18 - Jan 1
School opens Jan. 2 Tues
Have a great week!