Welcome Back for the 2024-25 School Year

Hello Blewett families!
We are excited to start the 2024-25 school year at Blewett! There is much information to share with all of you. Please read carefully and help your child get ready for the first day of school! Ways you can keep on top of what’s happening at our school include:
- Blewett School Website
- Principal’s Blog
- SD8 full year calendar document - This is worth printing in colour and posting on the fridge.
Schedules that may be helpful include:
Where does my child go on the first day, September 3, 2024?
When the bell rings at 8:15am all students will find their teacher from last year on the top field. Staff will be on hand to escort new students to their temporary teacher. Mr. Konken will help direct traffic. There is wheelchair access on the far side of the playground for accessibility. All teachers will be on the field in the morning to greet their last year’s classes. If you’d like, you can escort your child up to the field to drop them off, say a very quick hello to the teacher, and leave your child in our very capable hands. We would like to keep the traffic to a minimum. (Kindergarten has their own start-up plan as sent out by Ms Kalabis.
New students will be assigned to a classroom of their grade level. Mr. Konken will inform you which teacher to look for prior to day one. Teachers on hand will have class lists to direct students to the appropriate area.
Is it half or full days this week?
We are starting with a half day on Tuesday, September 3rd ending at 11:13am. Buses will run 3 hours earlier than normal, so they leave school at 11:20 am that day. Wednesday and onward will be full days that end at 2:13pm.
Are there any events happening this month?
Tues, Sept 3rd : First day of school for grades 1-6 (half day only – school ends at 11:13am)
Fri, Sept 6th : First day of kindergarten (8:15 – 10:00). Don’t forget about interviews earlier in the week.
Mon, Sept 9th : Some classes will be going by bus to Kokanee Park for the annual Kokanee Salmon
School Program (Teachers will send information out to families in the first week of school).
Fri, Sept 20th : School Planning Day. Students do not attend school on this day.
Wed, Sept 25th: Open house and Book Fair at Blewett Elementary School
Fri, Sept 30th : National Day of Truth and Reconciliation (No School)
How do I pay for school fees?
As approved by our SD8 Board of Education, we will purchase all school supplies this year and charge families $45 per student, payable online at https://blewett.sd8.bc.ca/pay or you can pay cash or cheque. It is important that we receive fees as soon as possible as these dollars help with the every day function of the school. Contact Mr. Konken if you are having difficulty with this payment and something can be worked out.
What should my child bring?
Students should bring their backpacks, a FULL water bottle, snacks, inside shoes and a note for primary students explaining what the after-school plans are for the child (bus home, mom or dad to pick up, etc). Blewett provides all the schools supplies with the $45 school supplies fee. See above link to pay or go to the Blewett Elementary School website.
What should my child not bring?
They should not bring any toys, electronics or extra school supplies.
Can my child go on a different bus to a friend’s home after school?
Courtesy riders who are not registered for bus service will be slowly implemented this fall. Students need their electronic name tags to ride the busses in SD8.
What about the water system?
According to IHA, our water is not safe to drink. We have bottled water ready for staff and students. Please consider sending your child with a full water bottle to school each day. Labels on the water bottle (and everything else) would really help us out!
Can I as a parent go into the school or onto the playground?
We appreciate a heads up before you come into the building. Parents are not allowed in the school except to visit the principal or speak with Jane (clerical). Parents are welcome to pick up and drop off their children but not cross our bus lines for the month of September (except on first day to hand off their child to the teacher if needed). Once buses have departed at the end of day, families can have full access to the playground as children are under their parent’s care at that time. We will revisit this in October.
What is the drop off time in the morning if I’m driving my child to school?
For right now we would appreciate that parents drop off their children between 8:00 and 8:15 am. Realizing there are exceptions, we will have supervisors outside by 7:50am.
What happens at the end of the school day?
Students will be dismissed to the playground. We are asking parents to be as prompt as possible when picking up their children after school and to be mindful of bus access. The day ends at 2:13 pm. Children should stay on the playground and not on the top field or behind the school at the end of day as we keep track of kids who's parents are late or forgot about pick-up.
What happens if my child gets sick at school?
We will call parents and keep the student safe while parents come to pick them up. Please do not send your child to school if they are sick.
What’s happening with after-school care?
Unfortunately there is no after school care at Blewett Elementary School
Is hot lunch happening this year?
We hope that our PAC hot lunch program will start up again soon. Stay tuned for more on hot lunches in the near future!
What class will my child be in this year?
On the afternoon of September 3, staff will be finalizing class lists for this school year. We place students in groups where they are most likely to be successful socially, emotionally, and academically. Your child might not be in the classroom that they want as there are 100 children to consider in our school. Thanks for your understanding and patience in this process. Students will start Wednesday in their last-year class and we will deliver them to their next classrooms that same morning.
See you on Tuesday!
Mr. Konken, Jane, and one heck of a school staff!