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The purpose of this code of conduct is to ensure that all students of Blewett Elementary School learn and grow in a positive, safe, caring and orderly school environment. 

Values and Beliefs:

Blewett Elementary School promotes cultural diversity and the values expressed in the BC Human Rights Code respecting the rights of all individuals in accordance with the law, and prohibiting discrimination based on race, colour, ancestry, place of origin, religion, marital status, family status, physical or mental abilities, sex or sexual orientation, gender identity or expression; and age – in respect of discriminatory publication and discrimination in accommodation, service and facility in the school environment.

Acceptable & Unacceptable Behaviour:

The following expectations apply to behavior at school, on the school bus, during school-organized or sponsored activities, and other behavior that impacts the positive, safe, caring and orderly environment of the school, and/or student learning, including online activities.

Acceptable Behaviour

As a school community we celebrate “A Place for Everyone”.  We have created a slogan for students, staff and parents to help us remember what is appropriate behavior.

Blewett RULES:

Respect and Responsibility

  • Treat others the way we want to be treated
  • Caring about your learning and yourself


  • Compassion and caring for others
  • Being able to look at different perspectives


  • Encouraging others and helping others
  • Taking responsibility for learning


  • Treat property with care
  • Deep respect for the Earth


  • Making decisions that will keep me and others safe

The behaviors cited above are examples given by staff and students and is not an all inclusive list. 

Unacceptable Behaviour

- Examples are italicized – not an all inclusive list.

Minor Problems

  • Discussion with an adult to review appropriate behavior if necessary.  The adult will work with students to try to resolve the situation, helping the student(s) take responsibility for his/her/their role in the conflict, eventually coming to a restorative based solution.
  • Time out for reflection if necessary
  • Examples:
    • Unsafe play or behavior
    • Habitual interference with teaching or learning,

Repeated Problems

Infraction recorded by Principal

  • Staff and Parents informed
  • Have student(s) make restoration for their behavior – consequence/solutions
  • Loss of privileges (eg. Time spent off of  playground/in school suspension)
  • Examples
    • Defiance of authority of school staff and volunteers          

Serious Problems

Incident is investigated by the Principal and notes are kept

  • Parents are informed and included in the planning process (meeting)
  • Depending on the history of behavior, responses to the behavior may be developed with the student(s).
  • Student may be removed from the class/playground until the teacher/principal see that the student is able and willing to make a change in the behavior
  • Students may be placed on an in or out of school suspension.
  • Examples
    • Vandalism or theft
    • Bullying, cyberbullying, harassment or intimidation including:  threats, verbal abuse, name calling, acts of revenge and violent behavior

Severe Problems

The final step in dealing with severe behavior – is that the student will be suspended until the School Board has a chance to meet and make a decision about the student’s future.  Parents would be contacted and part of the process.

  • Examples – possession of drugs, alcohol, tobacco, matches or lighters, weapons or any other articles with potential to cause harm.  Severity of consequences will depend upon intention or threat to cause harm.

The focus is on restoration, or repairing the wrongs done, rather than punitive measures.

Consequences are progressive; they become more serious with increasingly severe behavior and/or increasing frequency

Note: special considerations may apply to students with special needs, if they are unable to comply with the Code of Conduct due to having limited abilities of an intellectual,   physical, sensory, emotional or behavioural nature.  Teachers, caregivers, support workers and parents or guardians will be encouraged to teach appropriate behavior, consequences and/or restoration to these students.

For further information on school district policy regarding student conduct please use the following links to the school district website:

Student Conduct and Discipline

Student /Parent Appeals